tool case

美 [tuːl keɪs]英 [tuːl keɪs]
  • 网络工具箱;求购工具箱;包装箱
tool casetool case


a box or chest or cabinet for holding hand tools
Synonym: toolbox tool chest tool cabinet


  1. A Study of the Application of Glass Reinforced Nylon 6 to Electric Tool Case


  2. A machine tool case verifies the effectiveness of the proposed approach for modularizing product design .


  3. A DTD Comparing Tool and Case Studies


  4. Using this benchmarking tool , case study is conducted on Zhongxing Telecom and Handan Steel Group .


  5. Selection and use of tools must be such that the worker will not lose his balance or be struck by the tool in case something goes wrong .


  6. We iterate this method and tool by two case studies .


  7. I always keep a tool set in case of emergency .


  8. AutoCAD as a Cartographic Training Tool : a Case Study .


  9. DEST 2 . 0 : A Design Support Tool Based on Case Prototype


  10. Case as a research tool refers to case study , which is a positivist and qualitative method .


  11. Supporting Tool Interfaces in CASE Environments


  12. Using the system as a research tool , a case of the spatial distribution of Auanomaly in the Guilaizhuang gold deposit has been studied .


  13. Utilizes many project management method and the tool in this case , lies in the project management plan and the control method with emphasis in the agricultural project concrete utilization situation .


  14. The article does the research of expression , coding , searching and memory the case of process tool and do case based design in die according to more similarity framework and standard framework .


  15. Cases and other derivative concepts constitute a system , and all the concepts can be classified as three types : the case as a research tool , the case as a teaching method and the case as a type of resource .


  16. According to the algorithm mentioned above , we have finally realized the generation tool of test case . And we have generated the test cases for Face Recognition System based on ARM 2410 , proved the feasibility and validity of this generation tool .


  17. Which tells the tool that a use case is relevant to end users and should be added to the user interface .


  18. To improve a tool life in this case , therefore , the flank notch wear must be depressed to generate .


  19. Merchant Association as a Conceptual Tool : Chongqing 's Case in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries


  20. An authoring tool is a special case of an author , namely , it 's a program that generates HTML .


  21. The overall architecture of a tool system for the case based computer-aided process planning and the acquisition of case as well as the reasoning strategies is discussed in the paper .


  22. Shenyang Machine Tool Group for the case of combining the characteristics of large state-owned enterprises , through qualitative and quantitative analysis of large state-owned enterprises pay system design ideas and suggestions .


  23. At the same time , it use conditions 、 quite causality 、 occasional causality and the objective attribution theory as an analytical tool to make the case comes down .


  24. Not only in the auto , tractor and machine tool industry the hardened case gears have been extensively used early , but also the application of the hardened case gear technique is expanding in the field of large type gears under high speed and heavy load .
